We are three professionals who have cancer in common
Our mission is to create a repository of information to inspire and inform those that are living with cancer and/or have completed treatment. Join us as we explore the world through our shared lenses.
The question we pose and so often hear is, “What’s next?”
Then follow these types of queries:
• Am I the person I was before my diagnosis?
• Who am I now?
• What are my needs and expectations for my health care going forward?
• How do I figure this out and what are my resources?
Although we are not providing specific answers we are providing tools that you can use to support your quest for good health.
Many people do not like to be labeled “survivor”. It is standard nomenclature among clinicians so we have kept it, but changed it slightly. We call our site Savvy S[urvivor].
CHERYL KRAUTER - MFT, Psychotherapist, Writer, Speaker
Cheryl is an Existential Humanistic psychotherapist with over 40 years of experience in the field of depth psychology and human consciousness. She works with people who have been diagnosed with cancer, their partners, family members, and caregivers. Her private practice is in Albany and San Francisco with individuals, couples and groups. She is a certified Expressive Arts Therapist and facilitates groups, classes, and workshops in intuition, creativity and the process of self-discovery.
Cheryl is the author of Surviving the Storm: A Workbook for Telling Your Cancer Story (Oxford University Press, 2017) and Psychosocial Care of Cancer Survivors: A Clinician’s Guide and Workbook for Providing Wholehearted Care (Oxford University Press, 2018). Her latest book, Odyssey of Ashes: A Memoir of Love, Loss, and Letting Go will be published in July 2021.
Learn more about Cheryl: www.cherylkrauter.com
MERIDITHE MENDELSOHN - MPA, PhD; Healthcare Change Agent, Leadership Coach
Meridithe is passionate about patient centered health care and creating change that results in giving all cancer patients in any phase of treatment resources and tools for managing their physical and mental health.
Meridithe focused her career on Clinical Oncology administration and communication. She has managed Palliative Care teams and Oncology clinics. As Program Manager for Cancer Survivorship at the University of California, San Francisco, and Swedish Cancer Institute in Seattle, she has worked with clinicians and patients to develop navigational support for the post-treatment phase of cancer. Having traveled to Egypt to educate community leaders and as President of the Board at the Women’s Cancer Resource Center in Oakland, California, she is familiar with the additional challenges that people of color can face when navigating cancer and dedicated to removing these barriers.
Leslie has over 30 years of nursing, family practice and nurse coaching experience. She works with individuals, community and professional groups, in clinics, classrooms, at conferences, retreats and on-line. Leslie has worked in the field of Cancer Survivorship since 2012, and is co-founder of The Green Labyrinth, a retreat center nestled in the foothills of Mount Baker in northwest Washington State. Green Labyrinth’s mission is to provide sacred sanctuary for family and professional caregivers addressing grief, loss and burnout. Learn more about Leslie: www.green-labyrinth.com